Bumblebee Identification Guide

Bumblebee Identification Guide for Beginners is now available as a free download.

This A5 guide is the perfect size for taking out into the field, as a beginner’s field guide to the bumblebees of Surrey. This guide focuses on the eight most common species, ignoring the cuckoo bumblebees. Illustrated in pairs, with each pair having something in common and a way to distinguish between the species within the pair.

This guide has been designed and illustrated by the artist, and published in memory of Richard Daborn who sadly passed away in 2022. Richard had a passion for bumblebees and left a collection of hand written notes which are the basis for this illustrated guide. Richard and Jo both being members of the Elmbridge Natural History Society.

A free pdf download is available through both the Elmbridge Natural History Society website http://www.enhs.co.uk and here below. With a suggested donation for each download made to the Bumblebee Conservation Trust in Richard Daborn’s memory. This may be made via the donation button on the Bumblebee Conservation Trust website http://www.bumblebeeconservation.org

Downloadable PDF file

Bumblebee Identification Guide for Beginners ISBN 978-1-7392022-1-7