Identification of Human Teeth ~ Homo sapiens


Identification of Human Teeth ~ Homo sapiens (Third edition) is now accompanied by two exclusive charts featuring complete teeth sets for both deciduous and permanent dentition. The posters are perfect for both display and reference, for medical and dental schools, pathologists, archaeologists, mudlarkers and anyone researching human teeth for identification.

This popular informative and practical guide, presented as a set of twenty-four cards now comes with two dentition posters, for either study or use in the field, to assist in the recognition of Homo sapiens. With artworks drawn specifically to identitfy the most easily recognisable features for dentists, forensics, pathologists, archaeologists, and medical artists.

For sale £45.00 per pack including two wall charts. UK/Sterling/GDP

The second edition is also still available for just £20 (plus P&P) this edition does not include the two charts. Please enquire for copies via the Contact Page.

These publications are dedicated to the memory of Dr. Barry Brown, whose enthusiasm for dental anatomy whether comparative or human was infectious.