Mistletoe recording

Records of mistletoe and their host tree or shrub are being collated in the Cobham area and across Surrey by Dr Brian Spooner, an expert mycologist, formerly Head of Mycology at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Now retired, he continues working and collating records. All verified mistletoe records will be added onto the Surrey Botanical Society (SBS) database.

Do you have mistletoe in your garden on a tree or shrub? Can you help by sending in your record/s or sitings on the form below? All records are important by helping to build a national picture of mistletoe distribution and their host plants.

This ‘record your mistletoe link and form’ accompanies the article written and artwork created by Joanna Cameron © 2020 for the autumn/winter issue of the Cobham Heritage and Conservation Magazine. See below.

The Mistle Thrush (Turdus viscivorus) is our largest thrush and songbird and has been on the Red List for priority conservation since 2015.

Please send your mistletoe records by completing the form below. Where a host tree or shrub requires further verification, as this is a very important element of the mistletoe record, Dr Spooner may make contact with you for a host tree reference photo, or on occasions a site visit may also be requested to verify the ID and complete the record.